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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 1: Halloween下载详情
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Step 3 Read them three times each

Step 4 Say their names quickly

Activity Two While-reading: Learn how to celebrate Halloween

Step 1 Skim the letter and find the main idea of each paragragh.

Step 2 Scan each paragraph.

Para 1 Read Para 1 and choose the right answers.

( )1. ______ celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

A. People in the USA B. People in China

( )2. ______ celebrate Halloween.

A. People in the USA B. People in China

Para 2 Listen to Para.2 and find what to prepare for Halloween.

What will you dress up as on Halloween?

What kind of mask do you like best?

Para 3 Read Para.3 &4 and answer the following question.

How do people celebrate Halloween on the evening of October 31?

Step 3 Learn how to play “trick or treat”

1. Enjoy a video to learn how to play “trick or treat”

2. Fill in the blanks

Step 4 Traditional food on Halloween

Step 5 Enjoy the whole letter and learn all about Halloween

Step 6 Say something about Halloween

Activity Three Post-reading: Let’s celebrate Halloween!

Suppose(假设) today is Halloween. Let's celebrate!

Let's play “trick or treat”!

1. Work in groups.

Two members of your group are the children. They dress up and wear masks and go to knock on people's door.

One member of your group gives them some candy as a treat.

One member of your group doesn't give them a treat.

What will happen?

2. Show time

