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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Study skills: Vowels (IV)下载详情
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Difficult points:

To read the new words correctly

Teaching aids: ppt, pictures, computer ,cards

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Free talk

Introduce yourself. (appearance / personality /family/friend /school and so on.)

Step2. Present eight vowels(八个双元音)

Learn eight vowels:

1/ai/ Millie decides to buy a white light volleyball with high price. But I think it’s not right for her to play volleyball until night.

2. /ei/ Millie says that her classmate named Simon plans to play football at eight on Sunday. Though it’s raining hard, she isn’t late. She is still waiting for Simon.

3. / e? / Look at this pretty girl. She is Millie’s elder sister. She has long hair. She wears a pair of blue jeans. She sits on the bear chair.

4. /?i/ Look at the handsome boy. This is Millie’s cousin. They both enjoy toys .So they want to join the Children’s Club to play together.

5. /??/ Do you know this man? He is Millie’s uncle. Does he wear a yellow coat? No. Maybe a brown coat. Look! He is siting in a boat like a bowl on the river!

6. /u?/ Millie’s birthday is on February 1st. He plans to go touring to Australia. Though her English is so poor, she is sure she can communicate with foreigners in simple words.

7. /i?/ Here’s a present for for Millie’s ten years old birthday. It has two ears. It can hear beautiful music, OK?

8. /au/ Look! Now this is Millie’s dog’s brown house. There are some white flowers around the house.

Step2. Give a summary

a ai ay ea ei ey /e?/ i y uy igh /a?/

oi oy /??/ o oa ow /?u/ ou ow /au/

air ear eir ere /e?/ ure /u?/

ea ear eer ere /??/

Step3: Practice

Play two games:

1. I show ,you read.



2)请这位同学站在教室前面,由这位同学从 手中卡片中随意抽出一张卡片,全班同学齐读这张卡片上的音标。


2. 规则:

