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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Grammar: Personal pronouns (subject and object forms)下载详情

七年级上册(2013年6月第2版)《Grammar: Personal pronouns (subject and object forms)》最新教案下载-四平市优质课

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点Remember all the personal pronouns;

法Audio-visual method, interactive method.

备Multimedia ,the tape教

程教 师 引 导学 生 活 动二次备课Step I Lead-in

Read a passage and find the personal pronouns in it.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Yesterday we learned Reading ‘Welcome to our school’. Do you still remember what the name of Millie’s school is? Yes, it’s Sunshine Middle School. Now Millie is telling us about her school life. Let’s read this passage. Pay attention to these circled words. Do you know what they are? Actually we have a special name for these words. We call them “personal pronouns”. In English, we can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people or things. Then we do not need to repeat the nouns. Today we are going to learn more about personal pronouns—the subject form

and the object form. Let’s start form thesubject form.

Step 2 Presentation

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1. Complete the following sentences :

2. Finish the exercises in Part A and then ask students to read the conversation and check the answers .

3. Read the sample sentences on page36.

4. T: We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people / thing . We use the object form when the

noun is the object of a verb or preposition .

5. Read the table on page 36 .

Step Ⅲ Practice

1.Complete the sentences using the correct personal pronouns .

2.Read the conversation on page 36 , and answer : What are they talking about ?

3.Complete the conversation with the correct personal pronouns .

Read the sample sentences in the table on page 35

Daniel and Kitty study in the same class . ________are classmates .

Which subject do you like ? -________like English .

