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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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1.宠物 pet 2.粗鲁的 rude 3.金鱼goldfish 4.老鼠mouse 5.鹦鹉parrot

6.膝盖knee 7.握住hold 8.喂养feed 9.教teach

B. To read Comic and Welcome to the unit and look for the phrases in it. Write them down.

1给某人拿来某物bring sb. sth.= bring sth. to sb. 2.给我带些吃的东西bring me something to eat

3.四处游动swim around 4.在某人的膝盖上on one’s knees

5.教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth. 6.给某人喂某物feed sb. sth.= feed sth. to sb.

7.与……玩play with… 8.某人手里拿着某物hold sth. in one’s hand

【While learning】

Step 1.Lead in

A. Review by answering the questions:

1.Do you love animals?

2.Guess the animals :

They are black and white. They love to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.

They are the kings of the animal world. Remember that they are dangerous. Never go near them.

They can fly. They make beautiful sounds when they sing. What are they?

They are clever and funny. They jump around and make people laugh. What are they?

3.Can you say anything amazing about animals?

Eg. Fish sleep with their eyes open. Can you tell us more?

B. If you love an animal so much, you can keep it as a pet. But you need to keep yourself safe.

Step 2. Presentation of new words and expressions.

Here are some animals to keep as pets, let’talk about them

parrot: teach them to sing and speak (teach sb to do sth)

rabbit: feed them carrots (feed sb sth= feed sth to sb)

goldfish: watch them swim around (watch sb do sth)

mouse: mice hold it in my hand (hold sth in one’s hand)

dog: play with it (play with sb)

cat: sleep on one’s knees

Review the new words and phrases.

Step 3.Welcome A:

Write the names of the animals under each picture. Then check the answer.

