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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级下册Writing:A day in the life of Gary Green下载详情

九年级下册(2015年1月第1版)《Writing:A day in the life of Gary Green》公开课教案下载-庆阳市优质课

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To train the ability of writing.

3) 情感目标:

To let the students be aware of different sentence patterns.

To encourage them to live a low-carbon life.


To let the students learn about how to give suggestions on living a low-carbon life.


How to use linking words, good words and sentences to modify the passage.

Teaching procedures:

StepsAimsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activities辅助手段Leading-in

(4 minutes)设置语境,向学生介绍自己的日常生活,并让学生找出我日常生活的好习惯和坏习惯,巧妙导入写作话题----低碳生活。1. Introduce myself and ask students if they want to know my daily life.

2. Show some photos and ask students to talk about my daily life.

3. Get the Ss to find out the good habits and bad habits about my daily life. Lead in the topic of the lesson.1. Look at the photos and answer some questions about the teacher’s daily life.

2. Find out the good habits and bad habits about the teacher’photos,


Commentary writing

(5 minutes)展示刚测试结束的英语写作试题,并让学生对这次考试中部分学生的答题情况进行评分,熟悉中考写作评分标准。1. Show the Ss the writing task.

2. Show some students’ articles and get the Ss to make a comment on them according to the grading standards.

1. Read and get to know the writing task.

2. Make a comment on the articles according to the standard for evaluation on writing.


3. Pre-writing

(8 minutes)熟悉中考作文评分标准后,通过篇章布局、词汇、句型和连接词等方面引导学生如何写好一篇英语文章。1. Remind the Ss to pay attention to the structure, the tense and the person before writing an article.

2. Ask students to discuss their low-carbon life in groups and write down the key words, the sentence patterns and some linking words.

3. Ask students to pay attention to the grading standards.1. Discuss their low-carbon life in groups .

2. Write down the key words, the sentence patterns and some linking words that can be used in writing the article about low-carbon life.

2. Share the ideas with the class.

3. Pay attention to the grading standards.ppt,

work-sheet4. While-writing

(10 minutes)训练写作能力。Ask students to write a composition on their own.Write a composition on their own.work-sheet5. Post-writing
