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牛津译林2011课标版《Reading 1: The Special Olympics World Games》集体备课教案下载-邢台市优质课

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To understand the meanings of the volunteers for the Special Olympics World Games.

To master the vocabularies about the games and athletes.Teaching methods: Task-Based?Language?TeachingTeaching ProceduresDesigning aimsStep1: Pre-reading

1. Enjoy a video. (it’s about the Special Olympics World Games)

Can you tell us something about the Special Olympics World Games

(The athletes in the Special Olympics World Games are children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The Games give them a chance to show their skills to the world.)

2. teach some new words.通过视频导入,让学生对残奥会有一个大致的映像,有利于课文的学习,并且解决部分新单词,可以帮助课文的理解。Step2: While-reading

Task 1. Skimming ----Read the article quickly & answer questions.

1. What is the name of the volunteer?

2. What do volunteers need to do for the Special Olympics World Games?

Task 2 Which paragraph are the points in?(PartB2)

Paragraph 2: An introduction to the Special Olympics World Games

Paragraph 3: What volunteers do for the event

Paragraph 4: Liu Ming’s experience

Paragraph 1,5: Liu Ming’s feeling about the event

Task 3 Scanning---- Read Para 2-3, finish the form

About the Special Olympics World Games

They are for children and ____with intellectual disabilities.

The events are ________ to those in the Olympics, __________basketball, football and swimming.

Lots of volunteers _________ the athletes and helped make the games ______.

Task 4 Scanning----Read Para.4 ,then do T/F questions.

Li Hai was a running athlete.

Li Hai was born with intellectual disabilities.

Li Hai was sure to win the swimming competition..

Task5 Scanning----Read Para.1,5 , and find 3 adjectives to show Liu Ming’s feelings.

Task6 Reading and Exercises

Read after the tape, finish Part B3and Part B4.

通过教授阅读技巧,来帮助学生更好的理解课文,这是很重要的阅读技能及习惯。而且要让学生养成默读和朗读的好习惯。Step3. Summary----- What have we learned today?

What can we learn from Li Hai?

As a student, what can you do to help others?

情感升华,这个单元的主旨,就是助人,面向所有人。Step4: Homework

