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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: An interview with an ORBIS doctor下载详情

八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Reading 1: An interview with an ORBIS doctor》新课标教案下载-通化市优质课

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The students will be familiar with the meanings of the key vocabulary in this period and how they are used.

2. Ability objectives:

1) Through paragraphing and reading carefully, the students will learn about ORBIS and its doctors’ work

2) By analyzing the interview and working in pairs, the students will make a new dialogue with the given model.

3) Through comparative reading, the students will have a better understanding of ORBIS and another international charity, MSF.

4) By expressing themselves and discussing in groups, the students will improve their oral English and realize the importance of sharing and cooperation.

3. Emotion objectives:

At the end of the class, the students will understand everybody should do something to make a difference to the world.

Anticipated problem

1) The students may be reluctant to retell part 2 with the key words.

2) The students may have difficulty finding out the similarities and differences between ORBIS and MFS.

Possible solution

1) The teacher will verbally encourage the students to take up the challenge, or even do a demonstration.

2) The teacher can give the students some direction by asking them some relevant questions.

Teaching procedures

I. Warm-up activity:

1. One volunteer is asked to cover his eyes with a patch, and complete two tasks. Meanwhile, the teacher will write down the key vocabulary on the blackboard by interacting with the student.

T: How do you feel? It seems that you can’t bear your blindness.

Do you want to be cured?

If a doctor can operate on you, it’s possible for you to see again.

Unfortunately, if you can’t afford to have an operation, which charity can you ask for help?

ORBIS can offer medical treatment to someone like you.

2. After the volunteer chooses the right charity that can help him, the teacher asks the students to pick the sign of ORBIS and points out the features it shows.

T: why is there a plane included in the sign? Let’s catch the answer in the reading material.

II. Reading for comprehension

1. The students first find out what kind of material it is. (an interview)

2. The teacher has the students locate all the questions raised by the reporter, and then do the matching.

3. The teacher guides the students to take a close look at each part.

Part 1: after following the audio, the students need to complete the three sentences to show the current situation about blindness.

Part 2: after following the audio, the students need to finish the flow chart about ORBIS step by step, and then retell the part with the key words left.

