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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step4Revision & Lead-in

1.Show ss logos of some international

charities and let ss answer questions:

What charity is it?

Who does it help?

How does it help?

2.Ask ss to introduce UNICEF

It helps build….. it works for…. It provides….

3. Ask ss more questions:

What else do you know about UNICEF?

When and where was it set up?

Why was it set up?

Where does it work?


Task1: Ask ss to read the short passage in Part A1 on Page 101 and ask and answer some questions in pairs.

Task2: What else do you know about UNICEF?

Let ss read the sentences in part A2 first, then listen and put them in correct order.

Read the sentences to be familiar with UNICEF.


Task3: Have a test : How much do you know about UNICEF?

Let ss answer more questions about UNICEF.

Task4: Group work to retell information about UNICEF.

Task5: finish a report to ask more people to help UNICEF.

First, fill in blanks. Then, listen and check the answers. Finally, read the report.

Speak up

1.UNICEF wants children to be healthy. So it has built lots of health centres all over the world. Children who are ill can get medical treatment there. A boy is ill and he goes to see a doctor. Let ss listen and answer:

What’s wrong with the boy?

How long has he felt like this?

Will he be all right soon?

2. Ask ss to read the dialogue and have a discussion:

