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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading-in

1. Show a video about the children in the Africa.Ask students to talk about :

What can we do to help them?

2. Show the picture of the UNICEF, and ask questions:What do you know about UNICEF?

Try to encourage the Students to discuss with each other.

Step 2 Read and listen

1.Read A1 and answer:

When was UNICEF set up?

(It was set up in 1946.)

What was changed because of the war?

(The war changed children’s lives.)

How many countries and areas does UNICEF work in ?

(It works in over 190 countries and areas.)

2.Listen to the tape and put the sentences into the correct order in Part A2.

3.Listen to it again so that students can check their answers.

4.Ask students to read the sentences.

Step 3 Practice

1.Look at the questions in Part A3. Work out the answers using the information in Parts A1 and A2. Encourage the students to do pair work.

2.Make an interview.

Divide the students into groups of two. Ask them to make up dialogue according to different roles. Have an interview with the staff about the history of the UNICEF.

3.Play the tape recorder and ask the students to finish the report of A4.

4.Check the answers.

Step 4 Speak up

1. UNICEF tries to prevent children from getting illnesses. When you look pale ,you’d better see a doctor. The doctor will give you a check to find out what is the matter with you.

2. Listen to the tape and answer some questions.

How long has the boy felt bad?

Will the boy be all right in a few days?

3. True or False.

The boy does not look very well.

