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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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1. 能从听力材料中获取相关有用的信息。

2. 能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整。

3. 能谈论自己为慈善组织做贡献的想法。


1. 通过小组合作学习,学生能感受合作的愉快,培养合作精神。

2. 联系实际生活,学生能意识到互相帮助的重要性,培养社会责任感,长大后能为慈善组织做贡献。


1.从听力材料中获取相关有用的信息并了解联合国儿 童基金会的工作范畴及基本的背景知识。

2. 谈论自己为慈善组织做贡献的想法。


Step 1 Revision

Show students the logos of some internationl charities , have a competition to revise different charities around the world. (ORBIS, Oxfam, World Vision, World Wide Fund for Nature, UNICEF)

Say to students: we’ve learned some internationl charities. First ,let’s have a competition, I’ll show you the logos of the charities one by one, If you can tell each of their names correctly, you will get one point for your group. If you can tell what each of them does, you can get two points for your group.

Step 2 Presentition

1.Show students some pictures of poor children around the world (some of them don’t have food or clean water, some of them are homeless because of the war, some of them have to go to work to support their families instead of going to school……) .

Ask students : What problems do these children have ?

Teach new words : war, instead of.

2. Ask students to discuss in groups of four:

Which charity can help these children?

What do you know abou t UNICEF?

Step 3 Competition

Round 1: Read the information about UNICEF in PartA2 on Page86. Answer the questions :

When was UNICEF set up ?

What’s the aim of UNICEF?

Why was UNICEF set up?

How many countries and areas does UNICEF work in?

Round 2: Read the in formation about UNICEF in PartA1 on Page86. 2. Judge the sentences and correct the mistakes.

UNICEF wants children to go to work.

UNICEF provides clean water, food and education for poor children in many countries.

UNICEF raises money by selling books and organizing other fund-raising activities..

