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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Study skills: Scanning下载详情
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Enjoy a song.

Free talk.

Do you like the song?

Do you know the name? We can guess the name by some key information.

Why is trouble a friend?

What will you do if you have some trouble in your daily life?

I like reading books, especially some classical novels at home and abroad. Because...

Activity One: Test your reading speed.

Read Blue for boys and pink for girls.

Step 1: Skimming.

Question: What’s the main idea of this passage?

T: Did you read the text one word by one word?

How did you get the amswer?

Conclude: Skimming-- Read the text quickly to get the main idea.

Step 2: Scanning.

Read the text again to answer the following questions:

1. What did it mean if the sky was blue?

2. Why did women in the past like pink and red?

3. What power was blue once believed to have?

4. Where did girls come from according to a European story?

Conclude: Scanning-- Moving your eyes quickly over the text to look for specific information such as names or numbers.

(设计意图: 第一个问题What’s the main idea of this passage? 过渡到细节问题的提问,由复习第一单元中的skimming技巧过渡到到scanning。)

Activity Two: What is scanning.

Step 1: The requests of scanning in New Curriculum standard.

Step 2: Wrong habits for reading.

Do a quick scan with your eyes and mind!

We should have a good reading habit!

(设计意图: 先了解scanning在《新课程标准》中的要求,帮助学生改正在平时的阅读中常用的一些错误的阅读方式。)

Activity Three: Why scanning.

Step 1: When should we scan?
