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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Step 4 Presenting

I will present the lesson like this: Eddie has the same problem. Look at his stomach, it’s so large. He asked Hobo for some advice. What advice did Hobo give to him? Let’s listen to their conversation.

Step 5 Practicing

1. I will ask students to listen to the tape and answer the above question.

2. I will play the tape again and ask the following questions:

1) Why is Eddie getting fat? Eating too much without doing exercise.

2) What are good for Eddie? Do you agree with Hobo? Eating less and doing more exercise.

3) Does Hobo really want to help Eddie? Why not?

No, because Hobo only wants to eat Eddie’s food

3. I will ask students to pay attention to these two sentences:

“Eating too much makes you unhealthy.”

“Running and swimming are good for you.”

Translate the two sentences:

4. I will ask students to read the dialogue together

5. I will ask students to act it out.

Step 6 Presenting

I will ask students a question: How many of you have the same feeling with me and Eddie?

Do you also think you’re getting fat? Not only you, but many teenagers around the world have this problem too. And this problem has become one of the most serious teenage problems. (I will show some pictures about fat teens.)

What other teenagers’ problems might you meet in your lives? (Show some pictures.)

Our friends in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School also have some problems. Find out what their problems are.

Step 7 Practicing

1. I will ask students to finish Part A on page 35.

2. I will say to students, “Suppose you are an expert of teenagers’ problems. These students are asking you for some advice. How can you help them? I will ask students to work in groups of four. Try to find out the ways to solve their problems.”

Then let students make up a dialogue.

S1: Hello, Mr.…, I don’t get enough sleep. I feel tired in class.

S2: You should …

3. I will do a survey: Which problem do you have?

Can you help yourself to solve the problems?

Answer the questions

Listen carefully and think over the questions ,then try to answer them.
