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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Reading 1: Never give up下载详情
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2. Get the main idea of the passage by skimming and some important information by scanning, detailed reading.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

Get the main idea of the article without reading it word by word.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1: Lead-in

T: Let’s watch a short video and think about what the video is about.

S: It’s about a basket match in the NBA.

T: Yes. NBA is short for the National Basketball Association. It has the highest level of basketball matches and players.

T: Let’s meet some players. Look at the pictures. Do you know who the player is?

S: Yao Ming.

T: Why is Yao Ming so famous around the world?

S: He plays basketball very well. /He is tall and strong .

T: Another picture for you. Can this short man succeed in getting into the NBA?

S: Yes/No.

T: In fact, he succeeded in getting into the NBA. He had great achievements. . People in the stands were excited and cheered for him. He has proved that a small man can also play basketball very well.

T: Guess how such a small man become a player in the NBA.

【设计意图:导入新课,快速引出生词。设计问题“Can this short man succeed in getting into the NBA?”和看图画预测环节,激起学生的阅读兴趣。】

Step2: Fast –reading

T : Read the passage quickly and find out Spud’s basic information.

Name: Spud Webb____

Year of birth: 1963

Place of birth: Texas

Height: 170cm

Dream: To be a player in the NBA

Team: Atlanta Hawks

【设计意图:快速浏览文章,让学生对Spud Webb 有初步的了解】

Step3 :Careful-reading


T:Read Para.2-5 carefully to find out different stages in Spud’s growth.

S: Different stages/periods: in junior high→ in senior high → at college/ university→after graduating

