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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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Use codes, watch the videos and try to guess the names of the films.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming-up activities

Students watch the short video, say out the types of the films as quickly as possible.

Describe different types of films according to some pictures, learn new words: fall in love with, dinosaur, tales

Step2. Pre-listening activities

Read the poster and answer questions:

1). What is now showing at Olympic Cinema?

2). Who is The World of Dinosaurs suitable for?

3). How much do they need to pay if my parents go to watch Love Ship on Tuesday evening?

(Tips: To answer these questions, you do not need to read every word. You just need to get the key words or key sentences. )

According to the poster, help Sandy complete part of her notes.

Tales of Old Beijing

Name of cinema: (3) ______________ on (4) ____________

The World of Dinosaurs

Name of cinema: (8) _______________ on (9) ______________

Love Ship

Name of cinema: (13) ______________ on (14) ______________

Step3. Listening activities

Listen and learn more details of the films, help Sandy complete the notes.

(First: students scan Code No.1, complete the notes. Students can choose different times and difficult points according to their own needs.

Second: work in groups and check the answers in groups.

Third: each group takes a photo of the answers and send it to “We Chat” group. )

Step4. After-listening activities

Fill in the blanks of A3 on page 102 according to A1 & A2. then check the answers.

Deal with difficult points in the report.

It is a documentary which is suitable for all ages.

It is a science fiction film, which brings dinosaurs alive on screen.

It is about a woman who falls in love with a man when she travels on a ship
