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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Why are you dressed like that?

This is much more serious.

My food has gone missing.

Last Saturday night at 8 p.m., a young man was murdered.

We have made notes on all of them.

He looks untidy and nervous .

Ability :Cultivate students’ reasoning ability.

三. 教学手段: Multi-Media

四. 教学过程:

Step Ⅰ Lead-in

T: Do you remember in Unit 6 we have learned a horror film called “Murder in a Country House”?

Ask: Can you tell me the main idea of this film?

( A doctor is found dead in his house. People don’t know whether he was killed or he killed himself. )

T: Good. The doctor in this film is a victim. If he was killed by someone, that is a murder. And the person who killed the doctor is the murderer. The murderer killed the man, and he broke the law, so his act is a kind of crime, and he is the criminal. If we find a man, but we are not sure whether he is the murderer, we can call him a suspect.

Present the words.

Ask: If there is a murder, who will solve it? ( The police.)

T: Yes, a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals is a detective(n.). So “ Murder in a Country House” is not only a horror film, but also a film about detective(adj.) stories.

Write down these words on the blackboard, and ask students to read together. Ask students to pay attention the word “detective”( n.&adj.)

Step Ⅱ Comic strip


T: Do you like reading detective stories? Who is the famous detective in the novels?

( Sherlock Holmes.)

Show the picture of Sherlock Holmes, and describe the picture.

Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle. He is very clever and has a wide knowledge of different things.

( Talk about his special dressing with his magnifying glass and the pipe.)

T: Today, Eddie is dressed like that. Let’s see what happened.

Listen to the tape and answer some questions:

Why is Eddie dressed like that? ( Because he is a detective.)

What does a detective do ? (A detective is someone who look for clues to something important.)

