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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情
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= 4 ﹨* ROMAN IV Teaching methods

Speaking, reading, practicing and communicative approaches

= 5 ﹨* ROMAN V Teaching tools

Multimedia teaching equipment; books; guided learning plan.

= 6 ﹨* ROMAN VI Teaching processes

Process1 Lead- in and studying aims(导入明标)

Step1 lead-in.

Step2 show studying aims.

Process 2 presentation(新课呈现)

Step1 Step1 Self-learning and questioning自学质疑。

Learn the new words in a situation在语境中学习新单词

Step2 Co-working合作探究

Read these ordinal numbers in grammar focus and find out the rules of changing the cardinal numbers into the ordinal numbers then, write them on your paper.

基变序,有规律,词尾要加th.一二三 特殊记,八加h九减e. ve要用f替,y要变ie最后加上th . 若是第几十几,前为基,后为序。

Step3 Showing and tips展示点拨

Practice one : pair work .Make your own conversations in pairs and then show them to your classmates in front of the class.

Practice two:Do more simple practice.

Step 4 Do the following exercise

Exercise one:Write the answers of those questions on your paper.

Exercise two: finish 3a and 3b by yourselves quickly based on the practice

them to your classmates in front of the class.

Step 5 Expending拓展延伸

Make a report.

Process 3 Summarizing (小结反思)

During this class, I leant

(Ask students pay much attention to their methods of learning)

Process 4 Homework(作业)

Finish these exercise on your guiding paper.( 必做)

Recite the passage in expending(必做)

Find out your family member s’ birthdays and fill in the chart(选做)
