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牛津上海课标版《Unit 5 Technology all around us》精品教案优质课下载

本课为第一课时,重点不仅要通过文本的阅读帮助学生了解什么是“虚拟现实”、其主要应用的领域、人们对此技术所持的看法及其未来的发展趋势。同时在文本阅读的基础上,帮助学生了解常见的说明文语篇的两种写作模式(即:提问---回答模式和一般---特殊模式),并在课堂上进行读写结合的训练。本课的难点在于学生首次接触这种新型科技,对其内容不甚了解;在文本中涉及一些专有名词(如virtual reality, headset, special data glove)等,也感觉比较陌生。要在有限时间完成课堂教学任务,首先要求学生在课前先预习词汇,在课堂开始通过播放video clip(Ready Player One头号玩家)引出主题,激发学生学习的热情,同时借助图片和段落相关问题引导和帮助学生更好地了解这个新事物;再结合文本阅读介绍两种语篇模式,进行topic sentence的添加或改写、conclusion sentence 的提炼和归纳,再落实段落写作的课堂实践,这对大部分学生而言是一个比较大的挑战。


首先,学生在高一第一学期已接触过说明文体裁的文章The Changing Colors of Our crops,在第二学期学过The Interesting World of Plants,因此比较熟悉该类文本的类型,对理解此类文章不存在太大的困难。其次,本班学生英语基础整体比较扎实,学习态度良好,学习积极性也比较高。有个别学生成绩较为突出。部分学生能用英语较流利地表达观点,但大部分学生英语处于中等偏上水平,词汇量较为有限,加上性格比较内敛,故在口语表达方面存在缺乏自信,不敢大胆发表个人看法以及害怕犯错等情况。另外,虽然绝大部分学生都具备在阅读中获取信息的能力,但在理解和整合知识、逻辑推理和分析论证观点等方面,还有待加强和提高。


By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. Have a general idea of the whole passage;

2. Get familiar with the two textual patterns;

3. Practice using the patterns in their own writing;

4. Develop their critical thinking by analyzing the textual pattern.


StagesLearning activitiesPurposesWarm-upWatch a video clip and talk about some questionsTo arouse students’ interest and elicit the topic. What’s VR?1.Ask SS to raise questions about VR

2.Skim the text and find what questions are answered in it To cultivate SS’ ability to predict what the passage is about.2.Read the first two paragraphs and find the definition of VRTo guide SS to find the answer by scanning3.Analyze the pattern of paragraph organization and practice using it in Task 1 To introduce the Question-Answer pattern and encourage SS to practice using itWhere’s VR applied?1.Read para3-5 and find the three fields of application To help SS summarize its application through the context 2. Analyze the pattern of paragraph organization in Para 5 To introduce the General-Particular pattern3. Add/ revise the topic/conclusion sentences of Para 4&5 based on G-P pattern To cultivate SS’ ability to infer and summarize 4. Practice using G-P pattern in Task2

To help SS consolidate the General-Particular patternOpinions on VR?1. Read para6-8 and complete the summary of these paragraphsTo check SS’ understanding of this part and their ability to summarize2. Discussion: what’s your opinion on VR?To develop SS’ critical thinking and encourage them to express their idea on VR Assignment1.Search online to find more information of VR to answer the questions raised by SS (orally)

2. Write an expository article introducing a new invention/ technology like AI or AR in 120-150 words.