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3. To promote students’ awareness of healthy farming and encourage them to learn to change to solve any problem.

Teaching focus:

Let students make clear of the advantages and disadvantages of chemical farming and organic farming.

Learn to analyze problems and make their own decisions.

Difficult point:

Summarize “quantity” for chemical farming and “quality” for organic farming.

Learn to make change to solve any question in daily life .

Teaching aids: PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Listening

Use the listening comprehension to explain the question in daily life.

Finish doing the exercises in the textbook.

Step 2: Reading

1. Skim the passage to answer three “what” questions .

2. Scan the passage to answer three more questions.

3.Summarize and get the essential advantage of chemical and organic farming-----“quantity” and “quality” .

Step 3: Discussion and talking

Discuss in groups, make their own decisions (chemical or organic farming ).

Put up valuable suggestions on how to farm the land.

Step 4: Conclusion

Change can solve any question.

Farmers can change their farming methods to grow healthier food.

Students can change their studying methods to study efficiently.

We can change our life attitude to live happier.