师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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Teaching objectives

1. Instructional objectives

a. Students should be able to pronunce the words correctly and know their meanings (master, magic, magical, magically, indistinct, fold, observe, observation).

b. Students should be able to guess the meaning of the words from the context(indistinct, vagueness, counterbalance).

c. Students should be able to use reading skills such as guessing, predicting, skimming, scanning to comprehend the text.

d. Students should be able to express their feelings about art and write the summary about the text.

2. Educational objectives

a. Students are ready to learn and discuss in groups and share the ideas with group members confidently.

b. Students should be able to feel the beauty of art in the course of teacher’s guide.

c. Students should be able to enlarge their knowledge of some other forms of arts.

3. Personal objectives

Develop the teacher’s ability of classroom management and practice the class expressions through the activities of this class.

Focal points:

Use of reading skills, skimming, scanning as well as vocabulary learning strategies.

Difficult points:

1. Understand those new words and expressions from the context.

2. Express their own feelings of art.

3. Enjoy the magical points of Mona Lisa.


Stage 1 Getting Ready

(Purpose:To help students enlarge some knowledge about art and learn to feel some factors of art such as: colors, life, lines and curves, images.)

Step1 Greeting

T: Class begins!

S: Good afternoon, Miss Yu!

T: Thank you, sit down, please!