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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级上册Section A 1a—2d下载详情
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3. Be able to introduce yourself and others.

Teaching Methods:

Listening and speaking practice; Autonomous and cooperative approach.

Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder and the multimedia.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warm up and lead- in.

1. Greet the class as usual.

2. “Have you ever met any foreigners in the street? Do you want to talk to them? And would you like to make friends with them?” “What should we say when we meet them for the first time?”

“Let’s start today’s lesson , Unit one, My name’s Gina. ”

name’s = name is

Step 2. Presentation

1. Activity 1a

Review some words and expressions learnt in the Starter Units.

Show the picture in 1a on the screen, and ask the students to look at it carefully. Then point some things in the picture and ask:” What’s this in English ? How do you spell it? ” Lead students to answer and write them down on the lines on the left.

There’re not only lots of things in this picture, but also some people in it . Do you know them? … Now let’s meet some new friends.

2. Learn some English names.

Show the names on the screen. Lead students to read these names three times . Explain the last name .

3. Activity 1b

Now we have already met some new friends, then what should we say when we meet them for the first time? If you want to know, let’s listening!

Play the tape for the first time . Students just listen.

Play the tape again. Ask the students to number the pictures 1-3 while listening.

Then check the answers.

4. Teach new words and the target language.

Show the new words on the screen. Lead the students to read them one by one ,and ask them to pay attention to the pronounciation and the Chinese meanings . Then ask two groups to practice reading these new words.

5. Explain some language points.

“Nice to meet you.” “What’s your name?” “Ms.”

6. Activity 1c.

Divide the students into two groups to practice the three conversations .

Then give them three minutes to make conversations using their own names. Walk around the room , offering help if necessary.