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1.Help the students to learn to write a good composition about protecting the environment using linking words, clauses, and some phrases.

2.Help the students to raise awareness of protecting the environment.

3.Encourage the students to make more contributions to the environment.


The students in my class are not good at writing. Every Friday ,we will have a weekly examination. From their compositions, I have found their problems. First, they can’t organize and develop their compositions in a clear and logical way. Second, they can't use some beautiful sentences by using phrases. Last, most of them can't use linking words properly. In order to solve these problems, I design a lesson on writing. We all live on the earth --- our only home, but it is being polluted by us, so everyone should do something to save the earth. Therefore, I choose this topic for them to talk about.


1.How to organize a composition by using advanced words, various sentences and proper linking words.

2.How to write a good composition about environment

by analyzing the structure and writing strategies.


Discussion;group work


A multi-media


Watch some pictures about the sandstorms and ask the students to tell what effect it will have on our life and health. And then ask them to conclude that our earth is badly polluted so we must protect and solve it , which leads to the topic-protecting the environment.


活动1 Strategies

Read a passage about environment and analyze the structure and the contents of the passage by giving some key words for each paragraph.

活动2 Strategies

The second strategy is various sentence patterns. Ask the students to tell the sentences using various sentence patterns.

活动3 Strategies

Introduce the third tip : proper linking words. Ask the students to conclude common linking words.

活动4 Strategies

Sum up what makes a good writing. composition .At the same time, ask them to pay special attention to handwriting while they are writing a composition.

活动5 Discussion