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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》公开课教案优质课下载

Teaching material: English book for SE, PEP

= 2 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT II Teaching Objectives

Instructional objectives

By the end of the class, students should be able to :

memorize new words as quickly as possible and apply them into expressing ideas and writing

write out a short passage about their favorite ancient people

express their feelings about the great people using these new words in this module

Educational objectives

By the end of the class, students should be able to :

get to know more English expressions about great people of ancient China through the explaining of teacher and the exchange information of students

learn to write down their feelings after a discussion

Personal objectives

By the end of the class, the teacher should be able to

know how to arrange time for each activity according to the response of students in the middle of the class/with the help of watch in the blackboard writing

attract the attention of students with ups and downs of the tone in the teaching process

By the end of the class, students should be able to

master and use vocabulary and expressions to write a short passage

= 3 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT III Focal and difficult points

Focal points:

1.Students master and use the vocabulary and expressions

2.Students get the main ideas of these three great ancient Chinese philosophers

Difficult point:

Students finish so many reading tasks in short time

= 4 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT IV Teaching procedures (40’)

Stage = 1 ﹨ ROMAN ﹨ MERGEFORMAT I getting ready for learning (5’)