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Teaching importance and difficulty:

Enable the students to complete a story

Step 1: Lead in

Watch a short video about advertisements with surprising endings.

Step 3: Reading

Read the passage, learn the basic requirements of the writing and answer the question: “What is the style of the passage?

Ask basic forms of the six questions of the narration, (where, when, who, what, why, how) and find out the answers in the reading passage with key words.

1.Who: A professor John Smith, the professor’s wife, their children

2.Where: to a seaside town

3.When: On a hot summer day

4.What : the professor/ forgot the name of the town/left the children at the station/ hurried back home/wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper/came back again

5. Why: the professor had a bad memory

Step 4 get the important information of the main plot.

Professor John Smith had__ ___ ________. One hot______ day, he planned to take ___ _____to a seaside town. To make the trip more interesting for his children, he kept the name of ___ ______ a secret. However, by the time they arrived at __ _______, the professor forgot the name of the town. He asked his ________to take care of his children and he______ _____ _________to find out where he was going. His wife was surprised and wrote the name of the town on a _____ ___ _____ and put it in his pocket. Ten minutes later, she was astonished to see him ____ ____ _____again.

Step 4: Infer the ending (according to the underlined key words, the plot,the given two sentences.

Paragraph 1


Why did the professor come back again ten minutes later?

How would the professor feel when he came back home again? What would he say?

How would his wife feel when she heard his words? What would she say?

Paragraph 2


Who was crying? Why was she or he crying?

Where was the professor’s friend? What did he do?

How did the professor remember the things or the persons he forgot?