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本课紧密围绕Review of my favorite film这一主题,使学生了解并乐于谈论自己了解和喜爱的影片,在引导学生认识了不同类型的电影之后,通过观赏和阅读两种方式辨别不同类型电影的特点,然后利用所学习的词汇和语法知识,通过口头和书面的方式,适当地描述自己最喜爱的电影,表达自己对这部电影的评价和喜爱之情,同时学会以适当的方式与同学一起分享观点和看法。本节课是Revision最后一个课时,通过口头交际和书面表达两种语言输出技能的训练来培养学生参与交流,合作探究关于自己熟悉并喜爱的电影,最终将这些内容以书面表达的方式呈现出来并与同伴交流分享。学情分析本课的授课对象是普通高中二年级学生。授课地点在兰州市第七中学。该校是一所市属普通中学,高中学生的英语学情处于中等层次,在完成了初中三年的英语课程和高中一年的英语学习之后,大部分学生已经掌握了口头和书面表达所需的基本的常用词汇,并且能够正确书写下来。本班学生整体乐于参与同学之间的合作交流,能够恰当地进行口头表达,热衷于表现自我,能够运用所学的语篇和词汇知识进行基本的书面表达。但一部分学生比较害羞,缺乏自信,不习惯与主动积极地参与对话和写作,词汇和句型的运用能力较薄弱,有待于教师的不断启发引导,逐步培养孩子们参与的意识和表达的效果。教学目标1. Knowledge and ability: = 1 ﹨ GB3 ① To help the students learn about some words of different types of films. = 2 ﹨ GB3 ② To help the students appreciate different types of film. = 3 ﹨ GB3 ③ To help each student write a review of a film and share it with the other classmates.

2. Process and method: To help the students cooperate and communicate about their favorite films with their partners in groups, then write a review of it.

3. Emotion and attitude: To get the students to appreciate different types of

films and then have the passion of talking about it and writing about it.

4. Culture awareness: To help the students know more about the types of

films both in the western countries and China, appreciate them and express

their comments on them.教学重难点Important points:To help each student write a review of a film and share it with the other classmates.

Difficult points:To help the students write about their favorite films correctly.教学策略和方法Task-based language teaching and learning approach,

Communicative language teaching and learning approach,

Cooperative language teaching and approach.教学用具A multimedia courseware,

A small blackboard for group PK,

A big blackboard for teaching and showing writings,

Some colorful paper, pens and work sheets for the students to finish the tasks.课堂教学过程教学步骤(时间)学生活动教师活动设计意图1. Greetings (10s)Good afternoon, teacher!Good afternoon, class!师生互致问候,为课堂教学创造和谐友好的氛围。2. Leading-in(3m)Two groups of students act as actors and actresses to show some actions in front of the class and get the other students to guess what they were doing by acting.The teacher asks two group students to act as actors and actresses in front of the class and let other students guess what they were doing to stimulate the interest of the students and lead in the topic of this lesson.导入环节是整堂课的方向,由于这节课是本单元最后一个课时,因此教师将综合性地结合听说读对学生进行写作训练。在导入环节为了能够在短时间内充分调动学生参与课堂的积极性,同时引入本课中心话题,教师设计了学生表演,设置悬念的教学方式,从而一语中的,使学生聚焦到谈论并写作电影方面相关内容的话题上。3. Presenting the aims of learning (1m)Listen to the teacher carefully and know what they will have been able to do by the end of the lesson.Show the learning aims to the students to make sure what they will learn in this lesson.

By the end of this lesson, you will have been able:

★To know about different types of films.

★ To appreciate different types of films.

★ To learn to write a short review of a film.

目标呈现有助于学生在课程开展之前自觉形成自主学习的意识,有助于学生积极参与课堂并采用认知策略监控自己的课堂学习过程。4. Presenting the vocabulary (4m)1. Look at the screen and guess the types of the films.

2. Follow the teacher and learn how to read the vocabulary representing the types of the films.1. Show the students some pictures of different types of films.

2. Help the students to learn to read the vocabulary representing different types of films.在学生谈论关于电影的话题时,需要用到跟电影有关的一些词汇,尤其是不同电影的类型的表达方式,因此,为了使之后的课堂讨论和写作顺利开展,教师首先应该呈现相关词汇,并教学生正确流利地读出来,以便于学生在后面的学习环境自由运用。5. Consolidating (6m)1. Watch some parts of films and guess what types of films they are according to what they have learned.

2. Read three reviews of films and guess what types of films they are according to what they have learned.