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It’s hard to believe that it has been two years since I came to have the first class with you and it’s harder for me to face your leaving.

Remember how I told you about my son and I would treat you as my own sons and daughters. It was at that moment that I realized our time in the next two years would form the foundation for who you would become and how well we managed this experience could truly make it. Remember the short passages written by yourselves we shared together, which amused us, moved us, amazed us and even grieved us.

It was your true feelings and deep trust that supported me to go through the misery and pressure hidden in my heart. What relieves me most is that you never drop out although there are times when you complain of too much work because you know you have great dreams to pursue. It will impress on me forever how we endure hardship, how we fail, how we persevere and how we overcome. There is no denying that you have touched me far more than I could have touched you.

See? A new day that belongs to you is on the horizon and let me pour every ounce of my passion for your great achievements and promising future!



Step 3 Find the structure of the letter

Just I read my letter to you, this is a letter of separation. Before people leave someone or some place, they always write something to express their feelings, such as gratitude, good wishes even regrets or anger.. Can you find how to write such a letter according to my example? Or what each paragraph should tell?

Para 1: Introduce the topic, separation and how you feel

Para 2: Recall the good memories

Para 3: Express your appreciation

Para 4: Give good wishes

Step 4 Writing

Since you have known about how to write a letter of gratitude, why not write down your own letters to someone or some place you will leave soon? In your letters, you can deliver your gratitude, your good wishes, your regrets and even your anger. If you don’t have too much to say, one or two sentences are also OK. Remember: No matter long or short, what you write down will be my everlasting memories.

Step 5 Show Time :Read your letters aloud !

Step 6 Summary:

Today, we have written and shared our true feelings We talk about separation, so what do you think separation teaches us? You know life is a long journey full of separations. Separations not only bring us sadness and tears, but also teach us to treasure the people around us and the time we spent together. Separation means the young have grown up and will start a new journey. Separation also means parents and teachers have aged and must learn to drop their hands and let the children go. Hope all of you will be honest, kind and brave no matter how tough the future is. Hope you will be always blessed with happiness and peace all you life.

Step 7 Relaxation: Let’s enjoy a song

Against All Odds, it’s a song about separation, another kind of separation between a man and a woman. Enjoy yourselves!