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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块一 Module I Teenage experiencesGrammar and usage(1): Preposition+which and preposition+whom下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Grammar and usage(1): Preposition which and preposition whom》最新教案优质课下载

Thoughts on the design:


Teaching aims:

After learning this session, the students will be able to grasp the basic rules for attributive clauses—“prep.+ which/whom” used to begin attributive clauses. Besides, the students will be able to learn the studying strategy for language learning.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1

Review what the students have learned in the previous unit — relative pronouns — with a blank-filling exercise.

Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns.

1. This is the story __________ we wrote for our storytelling contest. (which/that)

2. The book __________ I borrowed from the library is very interesting. (which/that)

3. He likes the birthday gifts _________ his friends gave him. (which/that)

4. The girl _________ you have just seen is very good at English. (who/whom/that)

5. I don’t know the name of the teacher _________ I met in the computer room. (who/whom/that)

After finishing the exercise, ask the students to think about the grammatical principles in the sentences, and then make a conclusion as follows: The relative pronouns serve as the objects of the __________. (verbs)

Step 2

Continue to review what was taught in the previous unit with another five blank-fillings.

1. Is this the play ____________ you were talking about just now? (which/that)

2. Daniel is the person ______________ I want to make friends with. (who/whom/that)

3. Art is the subject ____________ I know little about. (which/that)

4. The Math teacher is the person ____________ I got an A plus from. (who/whom/that)

5. The topic ____________ Eric is interested in is Physics. (which/that)

After finishing the exercise, ask the students to think about the grammatical principles in the sentences, and then make a conclusion as follows: The relative pronouns serve as the objects of the __________. (prepositions)

Step 3

Join the sentences with relative clauses—another exercise serves as revision of what has been taught as well as presentation of what will be taught.

1) We could expect good decisions from you. We thought you were such a person.
