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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块二 Module II Making discoveriesWelcome to the unit下载详情
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模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Welcome to the unit》公开课教案优质课下载

Teaching aims:

After a discussion about the four pictures, the students will be able to talk about some amazing people and their achievements. Then they will be encouraged to express their opinions about who they consider heroes/ heroines. At last, the students will get a better understanding of amazing people and come to know that they will succeed as long as they work hard. During the whole procedures, the students are expected to practice their spoken English and share opinions with others by actively participating in the designed activities.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

A guessing game: Give the students a description of some people and let them guess who they are. (PPT2-7:先向学生展示人物的文字说明,让学生说出人名,然后显示人物图片)

1. He is one of the most famous basketball players in the Lakers. (Kobe Bryant)

He is considered to be the next Jordan.

2. He is a famous singer and actor.

One of his famous films is ‘ Miss Granny’. (Aries 鹿晗)

3. A famous comedian in Hong Kong. (Stephen Chou)

One of his films is “Kung Fu”.

4. They are both Chinese astronauts. (景海鹏,陈冬)

They traveled in space in Shenzhou XI.

They grew lettuce in the space Lab.

T: Do you think they are as handsome as the film stars? (No)

Do you think they are as cool as the basketball players? (No)

But why are they still so popular among us? (Because they have made great contributions to the cause of space exploration of our country.)

So we can call them amazing people. (PPT8:点击鼠标,显示本课标题,进入课本教学)

Besides them, what kind of people can be called “amazing people”? That’s what we are going to discuss today.


教师通过竞猜人名的形式向学生展示一些他们日常生活中熟悉的偶像,充分调动学生的学习热情和兴趣,寓教于乐。在欢快的气氛中,引发学生思考什么样的人才能称之为“amazing people”,从而自然地引出本堂课中四幅图画所描绘的四个“amazing people”。

Step 2 Presentation

1. Play a part of Fate Symphony/ the fifth Symphony composed by Beethoven.(PPT9:点击喇叭先听一小段《命运交响曲》,引出贝多芬)

Qs: Have you ever heard of this music? (Yes.)

Do you know in his middle age, something unfortunate happened? (Yes, he lost his hearing.)(PPT10:谈论贝多芬的经历和成就)
