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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块三 Module III Broardening horizonsTask(1): Telling a story: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Task(1): Telling a story: Skills building 1 and 2》优质课教案下载

create the start of the story;

imagine the body part of the story;

write the story with a surprise ending;

improve their language in storytelling by using some adjectives and adverbs.

Teaching important points

How to plot a story by logic and imagination

Teaching procedures

Step1 Lead in

Free talk: Why has the man in the picture achieved great success? (Notebook)

Step2 Plot a story

What is called a plot?

What does the plot of a story tell readers?

What parts does it usually contain?

Finish Part A on P12 in Student’s Book 3.

Step3 Listen and then learn to create the start of the story

Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.

2. Create the start of the story

Step4 Imagine a body part

Appreciate some pictures and notice some verbs.

Imagine the body part of the story.

Step5 Work out a surprise ending

See the 5 pictures again and use your imagination to create any ending which is surprising.

Step6 Write and tell the story

Tell you some tips about how to write a story.

Write the story.
