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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块五 Module V Balance and harmonyWord power: Prefixes and suffixes; Organs of the body下载详情
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《Word power: Prefixes and suffixes; Organs of the body》精品教案优质课下载

Common Suffixes

Analysis of the teaching material:

This is the fourth period of Unit 3.The main purpose of this lesson is to help students learn the commonly used prefixes and suffixes. On the one hand, students try to work out the meanings of words that they don’t know. On the other hand, students are able to remember some words well with the help of prefixes and suffixes. In all, students are expected to enlarge their vocabulary in this section and put the relevant words and expressions into practice.

Teaching aims:

Encourage students to guess and spell the words according to the prefixes and suffixes.

Arouse their interest in learning prefixes and suffixes through different kinds of activities.

Enable them to participate in group work and improve their ability of writing a story by using the words with negative prefixes and common suffixes.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1: Leading-in

Ask students to talk about how to remember more words and enlarge vocabulary.

After so many years of learning English, have you found some easy ways to remember or even double your vocabulary?

Step2. Review and Understand

Check their memory:

The teacher will give them some Chinese meanings and let students spell the English words. Negative prefixes are added to all the words.


Step3: Show and Learn

The definition of Prefix and Suffix is introduced to students by analyzing one familiar word. And then show more words with negative prefixes. Finally, the teacher will encourage students to conclude some negative prefixes and find out the usual rules.

Show an example

2. Show the words again and analyze.

Conclude the negative prefixes.



Step 4: Guess meanings

Consolidate and present negative prefixes

Consolidate and present common suffixes
