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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块六 Module VI Making a better worldWord power: Emotions下载详情
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《Word power: Emotions》新课标教案优质课下载

annoyed, annoyance, amazed, amazement, scared, scare, astonished, astonishment, thankful, thank…

——use the words they have learned to express how they feel

Teaching difficult and key point:

How to express different emotions using nouns, adjectives and idioms in different situations

Teaching aids:

Multimedia and worksheets

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Enjoy the song “If you are happy”

Ask the students: What’s the song about?

Step 2 Presentation

Present and learn some nouns and adjectives related to emotions.

Step 3 Competition

Divide students into two groups: Boys and Girls.

Have a competition——Change nouns into adjectives or change adjectives into nouns

Step 4 Practice

Finish Part A on Page 22.

Step 5 Idioms for emotions

Guess the meaning of each idiom according to the context.

Put these idioms into right groups.

Step 6 Group work

Have students talk about some situations, using nouns, adjectives and idioms learned today as many as possible.

Step 7 Summary

Step 8 Homework

Write a short passage to express your feelings about how you get along with your classmates, using emotion words as many as possible.
