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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块七 Module VII Improving our livesWord power: The Internet下载详情
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模块七 Module VII Improving our lives《Word power: The Internet》公开课教案优质课下载

Teaching methods:

Picture showing, reading,group works.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 lead-in

Lead in by asking the words about computers, Show the picture about a computer; get students to give the names of the different parts.

Can you name out the following items which are related to computer?

Step 2 Vocabulary learning

1.Ask students to look at part A on page 38, read the following terms together and try to understand them.

2.Group work:

Give students some icons about part A , and ask them work in groups of four and match each term to the proper icon.

3.Ask students to focus on Part B on Page 38 and encourage them to read the sentences individually first.

4.Lead the students to work in groups of four and finish the two questions :

what do these words mean in Chinese ?what do they refer to?

5.Give students 4minutes to finish part C on page 39 and check the answers together.

Step 3 Vocabulary extension

1. Ask students whether they have ever used some abbreviations that people often use in Internet chat room. Get students to guess the meaning of some abbreviations.

2. Allow students three minutes to complete Part D on Page 39. Get them to write the correct abbreviation in the blanks. Then check the answers together.

Step 4 Homework

Surf the Internet and find more words related to the Internet.


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