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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and artReading(2):Important film events around the world下载详情
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模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and art《Reading(2):Important film events around the world》新课标教案优质课下载

2. Use what we have learned to write a film review.

Step 1. Revision of the words and phrases in the article

Task 1 Choose the meaning of the following key words according to the article.

1) finance ( Line 18 ): A.provide money for sth B. support sb

2) boycott ( Line 24 ) :A.include sth B. refuse to use, buy sth

3) hatch ( Line 25 ) : A.create a plan or idea B.make a young bird, fish, insect come out of an egg

4) sponsor ( Line 28) :A. pay the cost of an event for advertising

B. a person or company who pays for an event

5) modest ( Line 29 ) :A. small, not expensiveB. large

6) expose ( Line 31 ) : A. let sb. experience sth B. uncover sth

7) resemble ( Line 40 ) :A. be similar to sth B. take a step backwards

8) edge ( Line 44 ) :A:the sharp part of a knife B. advantage

9) overlook ( Line 52 ) :A. ignore; fail to notice B. look down on

10) entry ( Line 63 ) :A. pieces of works sent to a competition B. joining in sth

Read the words

finance 给…提供经费 boycott 拒绝购买;抵制 hatch 策划;密谋

sponsor赞助者;赞助商 modest 不太大的;不太贵的 expose 使接触;使体验

resemble看起来像;类似 edge 优势 overlook 忽略,未注意到 entry 参赛作品

Task 2 Fill in the blanks

The Venice Film Festival is__________(作为…出名) the oldest film festival in the world, which ______ film _____(看做) a particular type of contemporary art. Its policy is to _____________________________(包括高质量电影) , ________________(不管)who makes them,____________(只要) the quality __________________(满足标准)

The Sundance Film Festival only include small, independent films and ___________(故意抵制) Hollywood films_____________(由…提供资金), which is intended to ___________(让大众接触) films so that ordinary people might _______________(可以接触) them otherwise.

The Cannes Film Festival is the largest film festival, which shows ______(各种各样的) films but____________(偏爱) American films. It was started in 1939 because the Venice Film Festival_____________(颁奖) only German and Italian films. They_______(反对…的观点)they have _____________(失去优势).

The Berlin International Festival is one of the most international festivals. Hollywood films are________(占少数) while films____________ (忽视) at other festivals ___________(很有可能) becoming champions.

The Toronto International Festival is the second largest film festival and give special awards to Canadian films.While Shanghai International Festival is the youngest film festival , it__________(有世界好名声)

Step 2: Language points
