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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版六年级下册Section B 1a-1d下载详情
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Ability goals: 1. Students can describe the specific location of certain buildings.

2. Students can ask for and give directions on the street.

Emotion goal: Learn to ask directions appropriately in daily life.


& difficult points.

How to ask for and give directions on the street.

Learn to make up dialogues about asking for and giving directions on the street.

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching method ; Group cooperation teaching method.

Teaching aids

Multi-media & blackboard.

Teaching procedures.

Step 1: Warm-up


2.Review some names of places, and ways of describing specific location of certain buildings.(To help students consolidate what they’ve learned before.)

Step 2: Lead-in

Teacher presents a picture of the street mark and students guess what it is.

Then the teacher draws some signs on the blackboard. Students try to tell what they mean. (signs: Go along, Turn left, Turn right.) Teacher presents some other street signs. e.g. No turning around, No turning left, speed limit 80, No parking. (To help students have sense of traffic signs)

Step 3: New class

1.Teacher tells students that street signs can give people information, instructions or warnings. Ask students to look at the map on the board and try to tell how to get to the bookshop according to the street signs. Students can discuss with their partners. Ask one student to share his or her idea and the whole class check the answers together.

2.After that, teacher shows another map and ask students try to tell how they can get to the park. Before that, teacher shows a picture of “crossing” and explain the word. (To help students use the target language in certain context.)

Step 4: Practice

Listening to 1b. Before listening, have students find where the two speakers are located on the map. Ask students try to tell how they can get to place A and place B. (To give students practice listening to the target language in conversations.)

Listening to 1c. Before 1c, have students review the map and their answers from 1b, then try to fill in the blanks. Ask two students to read the conversations and the whole class check the answers together.

Students role play the conversation and try to retell it according to the map.

Step5: Production

Teacher shows a map. Students can see four different places with numbers.

Ask the students to form four groups and each group choose one place as a destination. Students make up dialogues asking about how to get to the places. Representatives of each group come in front of the classroom and share their conversations.


Summarize some street signs and ways of asking and answering directions on the street.