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北师大2003课标版《Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism》最新教案优质课下载

To master the reading skills of scanning for details in an expository writing.

Teaching difficulties and focuses:

How to decide the key words in paragraphs;

How to use the skills of skimming and scanning.

How to compare sentences containing the same key words when doing exercises.

Teaching procedure:



IntentionsRevision and lead-inDivide the whole class into three groups to have a competition and tell them the rules to win points.

1. Play a video clip about New Zealand tourism.

2. Have a quiz to test the Ss’ background knowledge about NZ which has been discussed in the previous lesson.

3. Show pictures of beautiful scenery of different areas in NZ to lead in the topic of Virtual Tourism.

4. Brainstorm: What information do you expect to get from a guide? And then put the key words on the Bb.

复习上节课内容,引出话题,激发学习兴趣, 并为后面的环节做好铺垫。

Skimming:5. Get the Ss to read the passage quickly to match the topics with the paragraphs, tell them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph and underline the key words and take the first paragraph as an example.指导学生如何略读课文获得段落大意并了解如何确定信息关键词。Scanning:6. Get Ss to judge the sentences on the screen true or false, telling them to identify the key words in the sentences and find the related information in the text as quickly as they can.指导学生如何根据关键词迅速定位并准确理解细节信息。Practicing:7. Lead the Ss to recall the steps of dealing with an exposition.

8. Allow some time for Ss to do the reading comprehension exercise that has been given out to them before the class begins.

9. Ss of the three groups go to the Bb to write down their answers and then we check the answers with the whole class.独立练习运用和巩固前面所学的两项技能,达成运用。

Homework :1. Read the text again and find the information as quickly as you can to complete the table on page 14 with key phrases and practise retelling the text according to the table.

2. Prepare to raise any language problems that you have in understanding the sentences

