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北师大2003课标版《Culture Corner》精品教案优质课下载

To improve the students’ reading ability and broaden their vocabulary.

To further explore the theme of the unit and identify the silk road with the road and belt.

Teaching procedures


Watch a video about the belt and road and then present the topic -The silk Road


■ Get students to look at the pictures and read the headings. Then ask them to tell you what the passage is about.

■ Elicit information about the Silk Road from the class. Encourage the students to tell you anything they know about the Silk Road.

Exercise 1

■ Ask the students to read the passage.

■ Look at the words listed in Exercise 1. Ask the students if they already know some of them.

■ Encourage them to guess the meanings of the others from the way they are used in context. Ask students to scan the text, find the words listed and match the words to their meanings.


1 scriptures (f) 2 associate (a) 3 identify (d) 4 impact (e)

5 obtain (b) 6 transmit (c)

Exercise 2

■ Ask students to read the text again, find the answers to the questions and discuss them in pairs.


1 Yes, Xinjiang is the area associated most closely with the Silk Road.

2 The Silk Road got its name in the 19th century when a German geographer identified it as the route through which the Romans obtained their silk from China.

3 Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and made a huge impact on Chinese culture.


Group discussion Divide the students into groups and talk about the contributions of the silk road to the development of ancient China’s economy.

Interview Supposing you are a man who is in charge of the development of the belt and road,how do you design the blueprint?
