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选修7《Lesson 2 Artificial Intelligence》集体备课教案优质课下载

to make students speak about the Artificial Intelligence

Teaching difficult and main points:

To improve students' listening and speaking ability

Teaching aid: Multi-medium

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming up

Task1: Get students have a free talk about the following questions, work in pairs.

What science fiction films have you seen that are about intelligent robots or robots that look like human?

How did the robots behave towards humans?

Which of these things can robots and computers do now?

Task 2: talk about the film Artificial Intelligence

Task 3: to watch a short period of the film to arouse the students' interests and help them understand what Artificial Intelligence is.

Step2. Listen to learn

Taks1: Listen to the interview with Ananova and answer the questions

Task2: Read aloud the following words together

in other words, is that clear? What I don't quite understand, to put it another way, What I mean is, what that means, so does that mean, could you explain how, What I'm trying to say, what I'm getting at, that a programme which, I mean

task3: Listen to the interview again. Complete the Function File with these expressions.

Step3. Speaking

Voice your opinion: People use a robot to act as guard dog, are you curious? Now turn to page 103, read information about the robot.

Could you add your own information so that the robot dog become more perfect?

Explain your robot to your partner using expressions from the Function File. Ask questions about your partner's robot.