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《Culture Corner》集体备课教案优质课下载

2. To get Ss to know the difference between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.

3. To have Ss learn some useful language points.

II. Ability Objectives:

To practice using the reading strategies to get the general idea of a passage;

To train students’ ability to find some details from a text;

To improve students’ ability to apply words and phrases in suitable context.

III. Moral Objectives:

1. To teach Ss to treat the advantages and the disadvantages of both TCM and WM in a objective way;

2. To show Ss the cultural value and the historical connotation in TCM.

3. To make Ss take pride in the precious fortune of Chinese culture---TCM.

Teaching Methods:

1. Learners-centered method;

2. Elicitation method;

3. A task-based reading method.

Learning Methods:

To work individually and cooperatively.

Teaching important and difficult points:

To enable students to have a better understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.

Teaching Aids: multi-media.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Greetings

Step II. Lead-in

Conduct a survey, to investigate Ss’ life habits concerning their health, then make comment on their results.

A questionnaire:

Step III. Reading