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《Language Awareness 7》教案优质课下载

(2) 阅读教学目标

In terms of reading ability in this grammar teaching class, students should be able to read varieties of materials where there are such grammar points independently.


It is required that students appreciate classical poems and know the beauty of them, further developing education in patriotism.


Enlarge students’ view in culture


Cultivate their imitation ability and their imagination

Teaching materials & analysis:

Starting from a translation version of a Chinese classical poem《静夜思》, the teacher draws students’ attention to the expressing ways the poet used, which paves the way for the important grammar point and which also attracts students’ interest in learning. The absolute structure is one of the most important parts of sentence structure, so it’s a must to have a master of it.

It’s not difficult for students to understand this grammar point, but they may have trouble in imitating and writing their own sentences. So how to teach is of vital significance.

Teaching methods:

Individually deep thinking (give them enough time)

Imitating& writing ; group discussion

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Lead all the students to enjoy listening to a poet 《 A tranquil night》


Attract students’ attention to the last two sentences. How do they appreciate them in the aspect of emotion、language、and translation. If translated in their own way, how?

I raise eyes, and I see the moon so bright.



I raising eyes, I see the moon so bright.. 或 I raise eyes, I seeing the moon so bright.


Raising eyes, I see the moon so bright.