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必修2《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》公开课教案优质课下载

Remember some new words and learn some basic knowledge about Olympic Games in the Pre-reading part

Broaden students’horizon through the study of the Pre-reading part

3、 Enable students to have a general knowledge about the Olympic Games

教学重难点:Teaching keys and difficulties:

Students can read the new words in the warming-up part and can also read the words themselves

Enable students to involve themselves in the whole class and can concentrate their attention on what the teacher teaches.

Students can learn some necessary knowledge and can master some skills in the reading part.

教学方法:Teaching methods:

Task-based Language teaching

教学工具:Teaching aids:

Multimedia & Textbooks

教学过程:Teaching procedures:

Step 1、Greetings

Show some pictures that come from daily life to guide the students to the theme of the class.

Divide the students into several groups and ask the students to compete with each other, arousing their attention.

Step 2、Warming-up Part

1、 Read the new words in the warming-up part loudly to arise students’ interest

2、 Give the Chinese meaning of each word related to the warming-up part and ask students to remember the words as many as possible

Step 3、Pre-reading Part

1、 Show some pictures about the Olympic Games, such as some famous athletes and some Olympic evnets.

2、 Ask students the English names of each events and athletes given to make them remember as many new words as possible.

Step 4、Reading Part

Summarize some knowlege from the reading passage and ask studnets to answer them

Students can understand the whole passage in the form of questions and thus mastering the whole passage.

板书设计:Blackboard Design
