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Reading and writing

Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory

I. Teaching Goals:

Knowledge objectivesHelp students to know some information about Copernicus and how he worked on and published his theory.

Get students to know the structure of a persuasive writing.

Let students master some words and expressions, such as, cautious, enthusiastic, make sense etc.Ability objectivesImprove the skills of skimming, scanning and reading for detailed information.

Develop the skills of persuasive writing.Emotion objectivesInspire students to learn from great scientists.

Encourage them to do the right thing to promote justice in the society.II. Teaching Focus:

Help students know how to write a persuasive letter.

III. Challenges in Teaching:

How to encourage students to come up with as many reasons to persuade Copernicus to publish his theory as possible.

IV. Teaching Procedures:

Step I: Preparation

ActivitiesIntentionsTeacher gives students a short video made by herself as the homework before this class.1. This short video is about Copernicus and his revolutionary theory.

2. In order to have a better understanding of the reading passage, students must know some information about Copernicus, geocentric theory and heliocentric theory, so this video will help a lot.

3. With the vivid pictures and a clear pronunciation, students will have no problem in understanding it.

Step II: Lead in

ActivitiesIntentionsTimeTeacher asks students to watch a video. The video is about two girls witness a murder, and the murderer threatens them not to call the police. Ask students if they were the girl, what they would do. In this way, arouse their interest in this class.1. The original video is a popular Korean TV series, which will definitely arouse students’ interest. What’s more, teacher translates it into English and makes it suitable for this English class.

2. Teacher begins the class with this exciting video, which can not only lead in the topic of this class ”a confusing problem”, but also help them to get ready for the reading.

3. Teacher can help the students learn more new words in a natural and better way.3 min.T: Good morning, boys and girls. It is my great honor to have this chance to share my class with you. I hope we can get along well with each other and become good friends. First of all, let’s watch a video. While watching, please think about this question: “If you were the girl, what would you do?”

Possible answers:

Students A: If I were the girl, I would call the police, because even if the man would kill me, I can’t let him get away with killing someone.

Student B: If I were the girl, I would call the police and tell them the truth, because I need to do the right thing.

T: You are very brave. You have the courage to tell the truth, but you will put yourself in danger, or even risk your life. So this is really a confusing problem, and it is difficult to make a choice. However, this kind of thing happens anywhere and anytime. About five hundred years ago, there was a man named Nicolaus Copernicus who had a similar confusing problem.

By giving students’ a confusing problem and letting them to make a choice, teacher can lead to the topic of this reading passage—Copernicus’ confusing problem.