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《Using LanguageⅡ》新课标教案优质课下载


1: Learn about “cloning” and try to discuss it with each other

2: Develop the students’ ability to get useful information

3: Practice expressing opinions〖过程与方法〗:students’ self-study with teacher’s aid〖情感态度与价值观〗:

1: To train the students’ ability of teamwork.

2: To complete the whole task;

3: To help the students construct a -general view of cloning学习重点Enable students to speak in English学习难点Listening content and express the opinion学习媒体Multimedia teaching学习方法Cooperation and Discussion助学过程助学引导课前预习Reading


Reproductive cloning may help human families gain children, but there’s also a benefit(益处) for the animal world. It brings hope to people eager for(渴望) children but unable to have their own or adopt. It can also bring about the recreation(再创造) of species that have long since died, allowing scientists to fully study the species as a living creature instead of simply looking at images or bones.

Many believe that cloning can be used to replace failing(衰竭的) organs. This will reduce the waiting list for organ donations and allow more people to be saved. Not only that , but because the organ is , in fact, your own organ , there would be less chance of rejection(排斥反应).

While the cloning of body organs(器官) can help extend human life, it could also cause a lot of malpractice(玩忽职守). Along with(随着) the ability to clone desired characters, there could be the possibility of people deliberately(故意地) reproducing undesired(不渴望的) characters. This could lead to a rise(上升) in malpractices within society.

Look up these words which are necessary in the listening task

cruel bison

species resist

cow die out


1. One poor cow was made to give birth to a bison.

2. So the animals may not be able to resist a particular illness and they might die out.

3. Cloning means that there’s less variety in the species.


课题导入Watch a video about cloning animals创设学习情境环节二

自主学习Is cloning cruel?

Read these statements before listening. Tick(挑选) those that you hear.

Cloning will bring dead pets to life.

There were 627 experiments before Dolly was successfully cloned.