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2. 1978年7月25日, 世界上第一个试管婴儿路易丝·布朗在英国出生, 现已39岁.

3. In 1996, a sheep called Dolly was born. It is the first mammal to be cloned. It is considered to be the greatest success in the development of cloning.

4. A macaque(猕猴)was cloned in 2000. Later scientists cloned many monkeys.

5. Mules(骡子)have no ability to give birth to a baby. A mule was cloned in 2003. It is the first animal which lack fecundity(生育能力)to be cloned.

6. 1950s cloning of frogs

1970s research using the embryos of mice

1979 work on embryos of sheep and mice

1981 first experimental clones of mice

1983 first experimental clones of cows

1996 first clone of a mammal:Dolly the sheep

2000 cow gave birth to a bison

2001 China’s first cloned twin calves

2002 first cloned cats

2005 first cloned dog

Step2 Reading: The Return of Dinosaurs?

Task1 To know the dinosaurs

Task2 Skim the text and try to answer the following questions:

1. What makes the film Jurassic Park popular?

2. the reasons why a group of cloned animals all die of the same illness

3. Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would live in a zoo?

Task3 Choose the best answer

1. The film Jurassic Park is popular because _______ .

A. people are interested in the subject of cloning

B. all the actors are dinosaurs

C. it was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs