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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版选修11Learning about Language下载详情
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选修11《Learning about Language》集体备课教案优质课下载

1、To enable Ss to know how to understand new words according to the context.

2、To enable Ss to learn how to use these words and phrases correctly.

Emotional aims:

Develop the students’ spirit of cooperation and teamwork.

Take part in activities actively and confidently.


As the students of grade three in senior high school, they have mastered how to preview the new words and can read new words correctly. However, they are weak in memorizing and using new words and phrases. So in this lesson, I will guide them to memorize the meaning of the new words and phrases in the context.


Important point: master the new words and phrases of this unit.

2、Difficult point : remember the meaning of the new words and use them correctly.


1、Direct method

2、Task-based method


Step 1: check the homework.

Show some explanations of the new words to students and get the students to try to write the words on the blackboard.

Have them to translate the important phrases.

Step 2: learn the new words in the context.

Liaoning Men’s basketball team won the first place and many students like them, so I want to have the students remember these words by describing this team.

Step 3: Games

Do some exercises about new words by the way of games. Choose a basketball and answer the question.

Step 4: Discussion

There are some similarities between playing basketball Read a letter from Lily and write some advice to her. Try to use the new words.

Step 5: Homework

Improve the advice by searching for more information on the internet.