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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁科五四制版七年级上册Section A 1a-2d下载详情
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To learn the key words and target language, listen to and talk about the appearance of others.

Ability aims

To train students' speaking skills and enable them to talk about the appearance. To train students' listening skills and enable them to talk what he or she looks like according to the listening material. To train students’ skills of working in pairs and groups.

Emotional aims

To know “Don't judge the others by their looks!”

Teaching Important & Difficult Points

1.To help students master the new words, phrases and sentences in this unit.

2. The usage of “be” and “have\has” and the order of the adjective.

3.Sentence patterns:What does she/he look like? He/She is tall/short/heavy/thin. He/She has long/short/straight/curly hair.

Teaching Methods

1.Learner-centered Teaching

2.Task-based learning

3.Listening and speaking method

4.Communicative Language Teaching

As we all know, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative Language” teaching method, “Learner-centered” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching methods. That is to say, I’ll make the students the center of the class and the teacher is only a director and I’ll give the students some tasks and arrange five kinds of activities:group work, pair work, guessing games,listening games, and talk show.

Teaching Aids

In order to make my class interesting and lively,I will use a computer and a projector as my teaching aids.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Lead-in


T: Good morning,boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning,Miss He!

T: There is chant on my PowerPoint. Do you want to chant with me ?

Ss: ...

T:OK, when you chant, clap your hands like with me. Let’s chant

T/Ss:Tall, tall, tall, Mike is tall.


Step 2 Presentation

Show pictures about appearance of different famous stars.

1.T:Do you know who he is?