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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 2a —2e下载详情
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4. Learning Strategies

The students will be able to use skimming and scanning to understand the whole passage.

The students will be able to focuse on the four wh-questions when we read a diary.

The students will be able to make a clue map while reading.

The students will be able to talk about their experiences by focusing on four wh-Difficult pointsHow to let students talk about their experiences.Teaching AidsPPTTeaching ProceduresTeacher’sStudent’sPurposesI. Pre-reading activities1. lead in

a.Talk abouta picture of Petronas Towers in Malaysia.

b.Teach the students some new words in the passage during talking.

1.Listen to the teachers.

2.Talk about a picture of Petronas Towers in Malaysia

3. Learn the new words..

通过老师和学生的谈论马来西亚双子塔的图片,不仅能拉近老师与学生间的距离,活跃课堂气氛,更重要的是引出要谈论的地点。并解决了阻碍下文阅读的几个新单词。II. While-reading Activities Be a clever reader

a.Talk about the style of the passage.

What style are the passages?

A. Argumentative writings(议论文).

B. Expository writings(说明文).

C. Diaries (日记).

B. Inuduce the four elements of diaries.

Reading skill I:

Sometimes, when we read a diary, focusing on the four wh-questions helps a lot.

2. Be a smart reader

What do you think of the trip of each diary?

A. The first dairy:

The ________ trip in Penang.

B. The second dairy:

The ________trip in Penang Hill.

Talk about the style of the passage.

2. Listen to the teacher to intruduce the four elements of diaries.

3. Learn Reading skill I:

Sometimes, when we read a diary, focusing on the four wh-questions helps a lot.

4. Talk about the trips of each dairy.

