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There will be less/ fewer/ more…

Teaching steps:

Step 1: Lead in.

Before class let’s know about your learning goals. Ask students to read and understand the learning goals.

This class we will go on with our group competition, please work hard to get the medals for best learner and best group. Are you ready for our class? Class begins!

Step 2: Have a free talk.

What will you do this weekend?

What will you do next summer vacation?

What will you do in ten years?

Step 3: 情境导入.

Let’s have a magic trip. We will take the space ship to have a time travel.


1.choose the right time.能够选择正确时间坐标。

2.No lazy guys.懒人禁止入内。

3.make your prediction能够预测将来。

Step 4: Choose the right time for future.

Teacher shows different times including the past, the present, and the future. Students discuss and choose the time for future.

Then do some exercises about the tense.

Step 5: No lazy guys.

Lazy guys are not allowed to get on the space ship. Are you lazy? I will check you with words. Here is my prediction, watch the video and write down the words.

Exchange with your competitor and correct the answers. Let’s see who can win this time.

Step 6: Fill and dub.

This time fill in the blanks and try to dub the video.

What’s your prediction about the future?

Some scientists believe that the environment will ___________(处于极大的危险中) . There will be more pollution _______(在海里). All the water will be polluted. So _______(将会有)no fresh water for humans. There will be no world peace. Buildings will _______ (倒下) in wars. The earth will be a dangerous place.

There will be only robots _____ (live) ___________ (在地球上) . They have different shapes. _______ (成百上千的) robots will work in factories. They will do things ___________ (反复的) and they won’t get _______(bore). They won’t work as human servants because there will be no humans _____ (live) ___________ (在公寓里) on the earth. People will _______(搬到) other planets to _______ (寻找) new places to live. Probably they will __________________(乘火箭去月球) and live __________ (在太空站上).

Do you want to enjoy the blue skies _______ (在将来)? Would you like to _______ (度假) by the beautiful sea? Everyone should play a part in _____ (save) the earth, such as _______ (plant) more trees. We must try our best _______ (make) our earth _______ (become) better and better.

Ask students to dub and check the answers. And then do some exercises about the key expressions.

Step 7: make your own prediction

Just now you watched my prediction. Do you like the future in my prediction? What should you do to avoid the future like this? (学生思考体会环保的重要性。)