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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section B 2a—3b Self check下载详情
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Step 1: Warming up and revision

T: Today we’ll go on learning Unit 8, first let’s review what we have learned before.

Do exercise. Students answer questions together.

Step 2: Previewing case

T: Now let’s come to the previewing case. Task one, find the words from 2a-2e.

Students read words together.

T: Now I’ll give you one minute to memorize the words.

Students memorize the words. Then dictate the words. Ask one student to come to the front.

T: Task two, find the phrases from 2a-2e.

Students read the phrases together.

Do exercise.

T: Task three, find the sentences from 2a-2e.

Ask a student to read the sentences.

Then students read together.

Step 3: Free talk

T: Now let’s have a free talk. Could you please tell me if you have a favorite singer, singing group or band? If you do, what do you know about them?

Students discuss in groups. Then ask three students to answer questions.

T: Just now, we mentioned some singers, their songs are pop music. Today we’ll talk about a new music style, that is country music. First I’ll introduce country music to you. After that, let’s listen to a piece of music.

Introduce country music.

Play the music.

Step 4: Exploring case

T: After listening to the beautiful music, let’s come to the exploring case. Each group has your own task. Now I’ll give you three minutes. You can discuss in groups.

Check answers.

Step 5: Writing

T: I believe you have known something about country music. Now your task is to use the notes you made in 2c to write a short summary of the passage. Write no more than 100 words. Here is an example. Let’s read it together.

Students read the summary.

Give students three minutes to write a summary about 2b.

