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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c下载详情
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Look at the pictures on the screen and think out more adjectives that can describe them.

Think out more adverb phrases about activities you can do in these places.

C.Challenging yourself

Try to make sentences

Step 2 Look and Read

Read a passage about Singapore, T let the students choose the correct answers and learn how to write about a place. Put sentence patterns into the students’ mind.

Mind map :let the students find the following points in the above passage and list them.

Step 3 Presentation

Activity 1: Find out the differences between two passages and then find good words,sentences or phrases.


1.Discuss what makes the feeling stronger?

2.Replace(替换) the underlined words.

Step 4: Practicing writing an article

Get students to look at the blackboard and try to answer the questions,then writhe them down on their exercise book.

Step 5:Give comments on other groups’ passage.

Correct other students’ article mistakes.

Step 6 Show sample version

Step 7 Summary

How to introduce a place.

1. Introduce Location

Introduce language

Introduce food

Introduce places to visit

Introduce people

Step 8 Homework

1. Improve your own writing.

2. Recite useful expressions and sentences

3. Recite the sample version.

Where is it?

How are

