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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section B 1a—1d下载详情
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(2)名词:crayon, shame, ce ntury, childhood


(4) 副词: nowadays, especially

(本节课的生词较少,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难,如果班级学生的水平较高,可以鼓励学生当堂掌握。)Teaching Difficult PointsDifficulties (难点):用英语描述家 乡的变化,及对家乡变化的情感

Teaching AidsPPT.教 学 过 程 设 计Teaching Steps and Teaching Contents个性化设计1. Review and Warm-up


T: We have learned how to use the present perfect tense. Can you complete these sentences in the correct tense?

Have Ss compl ete the sentences in pa irs or individually.

Alternatively, have Ss work in small groups. The first group to finish all eight items is the winner.

Warming up: Show two pictures (one is about a city, the oth er is about a countryside) and ask: Where do you want to live? Why? Where do you want to work? Why?

2. Presentation

T: Answer the questions before you read.

Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?

How often do you think these people visit their hometowns?

What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages?

Let them guess the contents that they will learn by using the knowledge that they learned to train their skill of pre-reading

3. Work on 2a

T: Skim the article and confirm if your answers are the same as the passage.

4. Work on 2b

T: Read the article again and find expressions in the pas sage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases.

For weaker Ss, make sure they understand the given words/phrases before asking them to complete the exercise.

Alternatively, have Ss volunteer to explain the given words/phrases in English or (L1) their own language and find the correct expressions in the passage.

5. Work on 2c

T: Complete the summary with words from the passage. You may ne ed to change the forms of the words.

Have Ss aware of using the correct forms of the words to complete the summary of the passage..

Give them enough t ime to read

6. Post-reading (Work on 2d)

T: Look at these two pairs of pictures. Can you point out the differences?

Show two pairs of pictures (compare now with the past)

Have Ss describe what they see in the pictures. Focus on the changes Ss can see in the “now” pictures from the “before” pictures.
