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七年级上册(2013年1月第1版)《The simple future tense (will) The simple future tense (be going to)》优质课教案下载-乐清市优课

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2. 英语学习活动观。英语学习活动是英语课堂教学的基本组织形式,是落实课程目标的主要途径。因此,本节课教师创设了一系列的活动,从听歌的填词的感受语法现象,在观察句子中发现、归纳,总结语法规律,在练习中巩固语法结构,形成系统的语法知识。又在句子改错和连词成句中使用语法知识,在拓展活动中综合运用语法结构和知识,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。

3. 情景教学法。情境法是融言、行、情为一体的教学方法,它是利用创设情境来激发学生参与的情绪,引导学生对知识技能的理解和掌握,启发学生思维的积极性,培养情感意识,达到师生信息交流的方法。因此,本节课教师创设唯一情景,贯穿整节课,让学生一直在这情景中学习。教学重点表示将来时间的“ will +动词原形” 结构的构成、功能和用法。教学难点用一般将来时“will +动词原形”对未来生活进行想象。教学手段多媒体课件、学生课堂导学案教学方法情景教学法、小组合作学习法、英语学习活动法教学步骤StepsTeacher’s activityStudents’ activitySpecific aimsStep 1

Warm up and lead-in

1. Play a song: What will be will be.

2. Ask questions: What will you be? will you be rich/handsome/ beautiful…?

3. Create a situation to let the students to think about the tense today we will learn(Can you imagine your life 20 years later?) and lead in the tense.1. Listen to a song and fill in the missing word.

2. Guess the tense the song used.

3.Try to imagine the life 20 years later.


本节课在导入部分就开始创设情境,在热身部分播放简单的歌曲且歌曲反复出现本节课的语法现象,让学生先感知语法现象。而在导入部分,让学生想象20年后的生活,这时候,学生还没有掌握一般将来时,学生可以用中文表达,激发学生的学习兴趣,学生带着这个任务学习一般将来时,等本节课结束时,学生就能有话可说,而且会说。Step2 Presentation 1 1. Get the students find out the sentences with “will” on Page 59.

2. Get the Ss to discuss the sentences patterns in groups and then summarize the rules and work out the rules.

1. Find out the sentences with “will” on Page 59 .

2. Students discuss the sentences patterns in groups.

3. Ss generalize the sentences patterns and work out the rules.

(观察、发现、总结语法规律)让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛,看看哪一组总结语法规律总结得最好,让学生自主学习,自主发现规律,同时培养学生的竞争意识和小组合作能力。Step 3

Practice 1Get the Ss do the Exs on Book A P64 of Part A and check the answers. . Do the Exs on Page 64 and check the answers together.

(练习、巩固语法知识)练习巩固语法点,为学生后面的输出能否正确运用刚学过的一般将来时的各个句型做好铺垫。Step4 Presentation 21. Get the Ss to generalize the time expressions used in the simple future tense.

2. Explain “How soon” when talk about “in+将来一段时间”1. Generalize the time expressions used in the simple future tense.

2. Read the expressions together.

(发现、归纳语法知识) 引导学生自主总结与一般过去时连用的时间状语, 同时区别于Unit 2 学过的一般现在时的时间状语。Step 5

Practice 21. Show some sentences with some mistakes.

2. Ask Ss to correct the sentences by themselves and check in group

3. Check the answers together.

1. Correct the sentences’ mistakes.

2. Check in group.

3. Check together.

(练习、巩固语法知识)通过句子改错活动形式让学生在巩固一般现在时的句型结构特点,通过小组合作学习的方法,激发学生参与课堂的积极性,让学生学会运用所学知识解决问题,同时这个练习的句子都是关于将来生活,学校,科技等现象,也为最后篇章的输出搭建支架。Step 6



a wonderful Children’s DayGive the Ss a task: What will you do before the party/during the party/after the party? (Use the simple future tense to do it)1. The captain should choose a topic.
